Carmona is a town in the province of Seville. The population in 2012 was of 28.814 citizens, an area of 924 square kilometres and a population density of 30,24/km². 37º 28’N, 5º 38’W are the coordinates. It is located at 253 metres above sea level and 30 kilometres from the capital of Seville.
Carmona is situated in Los Alcores, elevated from the rest of La Vega´s due to the landscape. Carmona is connected too Brenes via the A-462 road and Lora del Rio via the A-457 , Marchena by the A-380 with the A-8100 to Arahal and A-398 going to El Viso del Alcor. As for the motorway, Carmona is located next to the A-4, to Seville or Córdoba. With 28 kilometres between Carmona and Seville, and 80 kilometres between Carmona and Córdoba. The A-92 motorway also passes through its territory, Malaga-Granada direction.
Via Agusta used to go through Carmona, known as ‘El Arrecife’ and used during the Middle Ages, where some ruins and a roman bridge have been preserved. The current city, with very small changes, follows the lines of the roman city.
There is no doubt that it was one of Carmona’s most brilliant periods, being noticeable the impact it had over the town. The two principal gates of the city wall (Seville and Cordoba) are roman-made. But the most relevant roman monument – among the best of its kind - is the Necropolis.