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Morón de la Frontera

Morón de la Frontera is a city and municipality of Seville, in Andalusia. Situated on the south of the province, it is the centre of the region that takes is name of and head quarter of its administrative area.

In 2011 it had 28.489 inhabitants, a 431,94 square kilometre area and a population density of 65,96/km². At 297 metres above sea level and 67 kilometres from the capital of Seville. Morón de la Frontera is the tenth most inhabited and the seventh biggest municipality in the province. Its borders on Marchena to the north, Arahal to the east, La Puebla de Cazalla to the west and Montellano, Coripe, Pruna and the province of Cádiz to the south.

The origins of the city go back to the prehistory with the first human settlements around the mountain where the castle now lays. Due to this reason and the irregular relief, the town centre is a compound of narrow, winding and steep streets, while the new neighbourhoods look for the flat ground of countryside on the west and north of the city. Part of the architectonic heritage of Morón de la Frontera is declared touristic interest, under the historic-artistic category.

Construction, olive oil production, cereals, tinned vegetable, calcium oxide mining and tourism are the economic activities Morón de la Frontera relies on. In relation to the evolution of the working population, women’s incorporation to employment stands out with a growth from 19,56% in 1981 to 41,42% in 2001. The majority of women work in the trading sector especially in food and household goods. They are also hired sporadically during the olive harvest season, the oil production or tinned olives.

The most important celebrations are the fair and the festivals of Morón, the big fair that is celebrate during the third week of September, Semana Santa was declared Fiesta of National Tourist Interest in 2002, the flamenco ‘Gazpacho Andaluz’ festival that has taken place since 1963 and the Romeria de la Virgen de Garcia during the month of October to mark the end of the summer.